Create a campaign

How to build your first campaign on any of yeesshh platform

This guide will help you to set up your first campaign. If you are comfortable with creating a new campaign, simply jump to our recommended campaign setup.

How do I create an account with yeesshh?

Step 1: Register here.  To get access to the platform you will just have to create a username and a password.

Step 2: Create a campaign. Pay only for the traffic you want (less than a cent per notification click or 2 cents CPM for pops).

Step 3: Add funds. We offer numerous payment options and the minimum top up is low.

Step 4: Traffic flows and our algorithm removes all the traffic that does not work.

Create a campaign

Login and select menu Campaigns /create Campaign 

Enter the campaign name with geo (US, NL...)_device (Desktop, Android, mobile...)_ and type of traffic (Mainstream or Adult, Desktop or Mobile). Example : US_Mobile_Maintream_Description.

Date range: optional

Enter your price

Enter the default bid

  • DSP or myDSP: pop is paid per view/CPV, indicative mobile default CPV here, and indicative desktop default CPV here.
  • Eureekkaa: notification is paid per click/CPC, indicative default CPC here.

"Total Budget" : Optional, only if you want to set a maximum budget for your campaign.
"Daily Budget" : Optional. It is better to set a budget smoothing the amount of money you spend daily controlling the campaign spend.
"Default CPV or CPC" : Mandatory. Better to set a high price to start with. It will allow you to test the best traffic sources helping to optimize your bid on it (See Report and Optimization Guide). 
"Daily Clicks / Views" : Optional, leave it blank. As an option, if you want to set up a total daily limit of clicks on your campaign (/impressions on your site or landing page) then create a limit (example: 100.000).

Select "ASAP" delivery

"ASAP" is strongly recommended, you will get a maximum amount of traffic in least amount of time. For budgets above $500 a day, your may consider “Evenly” to get your daily budget to be spend uniformly along the day.

"Clicks / views per IP" : 5 (recommended) It is how many times you want a user with the same IP to see your pop ad per day. 


Target the country / carrier of your campaign 

Select the location / Browser you want ("Ad group targeting" section), or, in case of carrier billing, only the carrier / browser / OS you want. More on targeting here (country, city, days, hours, OS, Browser, carrier). For carrier targeting, you will improve results and diminish discrepancies uploading the Ip ranges you want.

Adapt eventually the bid per Geo.
MyDSP or DSP: Excepted in specific cases, you can ignore the Keyword targeting

Setup your tracking parameters (strongly recommended):

Campaign edit >> TQ & Analytics >> Show conversion tracking:
Enter a "new goal" name to enable the tracking. Do not forget to inform your tracking platform of our "global Postback" and enter parameters accordingly.

Once your conversion tracking in place, tested, and operational, set the "Min subid clicks for blacklisting" to its ideal value (two times the amount of imps/clicks you can get with one conversion value). Read more...

Please refer to Campaign Optimization tutorial, targeting by domain and How to Blackist for additional info

Set up your Ad

Last, set up the Ad that will be displayed:

  • Eureekkaa (push notification): you need to upload icon, image, long and short text. Read more...
  • myDSP (pop): Go to Campaigns and enter your URL
  • DSP (Pop): Go to Campaigns / Creative / new creative "Pop Ads". You just need to enter your landing URL.

Your Url, with macros, should look like{pubfeed}_{subid}&clickid={conversion}. More on macros available here. More on how to set up a conversion tracking here.


"Type": Pop (by default)

"Destination URL" (mandatory) : Add here the destination URL of your campaign.
Destination url should start with http/https. 

Add Funds 

Click on "add funds" on the top right of the screen. You can pay directly via several payments options.

A member of our team will review your campaign and approve it if everything is fine. Once the campaign is approved, the campaign will go live.

Congratulations! You are all set!

You will now be able to see your campaign in the campaigns list, to see it just click on “Campaigns” in the Campaigns Menu.