Directlink Publishers
Dashboard for performance publishers. This reporting system is based on conversions registered on publisher traffic. It show daily and mtd revenue as well possibility to download conversion file. We access it from > login > publisher > Reemora SmartLink.
XML Publishers
Access to Dashboard
Login via our web site
The data that interest is the "verified" data. Because it is published after 24 hours, you can see also "Gross data" that is an estimation of the revenue generated before any verification
Concepts presented in Reports
Feeds = web site where the code is present
Requests / Impressions / Clicks: Those numbers are very closed for a JS publisher.
- Requests are the number of impressions offered to advertisers
- Impression: to ignore
- Clicks is number of advertisement purchased by advertiser
- Verified clicks is number of advertisement to be paid
By Date, By Source and By Country.
Each report includes a Drill Down Menu /Actions/ simply pressing the plus (+)
In each report you canADD/REMOVE COLUMNS,simply by clicking on "Columns" button, then check the column you need.
Each report has an option where you can select your ownDimensions:
Each report can be export it inCSV file or API.